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An Interview with Joe Corré

Updated: Apr 16, 2019

A Child of the Jago is for outsiders. Appropriately adopting its name from Morrison's 1896 novel, the brand (or anti-brand) takes inspiration from London's historical figures, and makes clothing reminiscent of a time when ideas, as well as garments, were made to last.

I first encountered the label when I passed by their East-end boutique while vacationing in London. I was immediately captivated as soon as I caught a glimpse of the gothic font of their title, emblazoned in gold above a unique collection of suits and hats. My interest only grew after I did more research on the brand. In the age of fast fashion, A Child of the Jago prizes ethical practices and resourcefulness, "often searching out and using up obsolete and end-of-the-line cloths from British mills and passing the price benefit of purchasing in this way on to the customer," as their website states. A Child of the Jago doesn't just distinguish itself through the clothes, but also through the philosophy that informs the production of those clothes. Therefore, by wearing A Child of the Jago, you communicate who you are and what you stand for, not only through the design of the clothing but also through how it was made. This is a concept, an idea, that is rapidly fading and Jago is keeping it alive.

The man behind it all is Joe Corré. As the son of Vivienne Westwood and Malcolm McLaren, Corré's rebellious philosophy does not come as a surprise. Before opening a Child of the Jago, Corré co-founded lingerie retailer Agent Provocateur, making the lowbrow luxurious. He sold the brand but remains a provocateur, burning millions of dollars worth of punk memorabilia and later putting the debris in a casket for his latest installation, Ash from Chaos. Below, he discusses the lifespan of an idea, the most creative person alive, and the concept of an anti-brand.

What work are you most proud of?

My Burn Punk project which is about starting a public debate about price versus value and manipulation and control. 

Who do you think is the most creative person alive?

Vivienne Westwood because I’ve seen what she does and how she does it.

How would you describe someone that chooses to wear Jago?

Independently minded.

How would you describe an anti-brand?

One that doesn’t conform to what anybody else does.

Do you have a favorite London historical character? 

Jack Sheppard

What time period are you most nostalgic for?

I’m not really nostalgic, I like to live in the present 

Do you think that we'll ever return to well-developed ideas or is this a permanent change? How would you describe the difference between a short-lived idea and a lasting one?

I suppose ideas nowadays if they are considered at all, seem to last about as long as people’s attention spans which is extremely short. This is due to non-stop distraction. An example of an idea being short lived vs lasting would be Russell Brand’s Trews versus George Orwell’s 1984.


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